Delhi Police has denied permission for the proposed 'One day fast for Irom Sharmila' scheduled to be held at Raghat in New Delhi on December 10, International Human Rights Day, citing law and order problems.
The National Alliance of People’s Movements and other organizers of the programme tried their best in discussions with police officials at various levels but they refused to change the decision.
In a statement they said, “The Government has yet again shown its hard and inhumane approach in dealing with human rights activists. This also seems to be a clear message that the Government is now in fear of the growing public support for Irom Sharmila. This fast was scheduled as a culminating programmme of the Nationwide Signature Campaign which had started on October 2 in India and across the globe.
“We believe that they can only deny the permission for a place for the fast, not for the fast. Fast doesn’t need any permission.
“Hence we appeal to all our friends to observe the one-at day fast wherever they are, be it their workplace, home, school, anywhere. This one-day fast will be observed by all supporters of this campaign in India and even across the globe. We also appeal to all our friends and well-wishers to organize press conferences at their places to oppose the government’s way of dealing with this issue.
“We believe in non-violence, peace and humanity and we are committed to all possible initiatives towards spreading the message of peace, love and non-violence.
“We will move to Rajghat in morning at 9 a.m for a peace prayer.
"A press meet will be organized at 2 p.m. in Delhi, where all activists associated with this campaign will be present and some prominent women activists will address the press conference. The press conference will be at the Press Club lawns, 1, Raisina Road, New Delhi."
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