If you read a statement by Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google that read, "Today, whenever you use a piece of technology, there is a good chance a little bit of Rajeev Motwani is behind it," you are likely to think Motwani was a wise old man.
Turns out Motwani, a Stanford professor and one of the earliest influencers and advisers to Google and Paypal - and who died on Friday - was wise, but only 45.
Read all about Motwani, including a tribute from Brin and leading blogger and SAJA co-founder Om Malik, at http://www.sajaforum.org/2009/06/obit-rajeev-motwani.html
You will also find links to papers Motwani (an IIT and UC Berkeley grad) co-wrote with the two Google boys in early 1998 that set them on the path to fame and fortune.
Please post your comments there.
Prof. Sree Sreenivasan | sree@sree.net
Dean of Student Affairs, Columbia Graduate School of Journalism
http://www.sree.net | http://www.sreetips.com
Twitter: @sreenet - http://twitter.com/sreenet
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