In India, the campaign will begin in more than 40 cities and in Pakistan more than 20 cities.
Joint Signature Campaign by Citizens
of India and Pakistan
Against Terrorism, War Posturing and To Promote Cooperation and Peace
From 9th January 2009 to 8th February 2009
Website: http://www.indopakcampaignagainstwarnterror.org
For online signatures please visit: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/indopak/petition.html
The following is the text of the appeal to be submitted to the Prime Minister of India and the President of Pakistan, with copies to important political functionaries and media houses in both countries:
We the Citizens of Pakistan and India demand that:
•The Government of Pakistan and the Government of India should practice zero tolerance for religious extremism and terrorism in the interest of the very sustenance and prosperity of both the countries.
•Recognising that the problem of terrorism in both the countries are qualitatively different, we urge both the governments to take all appropriate initiates to contain and root out the activities of all fanatic and terrorist groups and catch and punish perpetrators of any acts of terror in their respective countries to make the subcontinent safe and secure for all.
•Both the governments should immediately set up a Joint Action and Investigative Agency for total cooperation and mutual assistance to address and overcome the problem of terrorism effectively and without any further delay.
•War can never be a solution but the beginning of insurmountable problems for both the countries. Hence both the governments should desist from war posturing and immediately engage in meaningful and effective dialogue and actions to address the issue of terrorism and to resolve all other outstanding problems.
•Both the Governments should follow in letter and spirit all the Conventions and Resolutions of UN and SAARC against terrorism and for cooperation to secure an atmosphere of mutual trust and holistic cooperation that alone could ensure security of all citizens and prosperity of the entire region.
•We appeal to the media of both India and Pakistan to play a constructive role in this hour of crisis to propagate and strengthen positive attitudes for the resolution of all the outstanding problems and discourage escalation of conflict and adventurism that could jeopardize peace and prosperity of both the countries.
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